Thursday, January 29, 2009


1. 'uku : Hawaiian for head lice.
As in 'Whoa guy, you have 'ukus. I can see um crawling."

Q) What do you call one 'uku on one bald head?
A) Homeless.

The ukus strike again. What is up with all the head lice this year? A couple of months ago about 4 girls in Daniels class got head lice. My Mom said that my old school where she is currently working had an infestation of head lice in the fall.

Well, today one of the Moms at school warned me that her daughter, who is in Sammy's class, has lice. This is much more concerning because Sammy's class has hats and dress-up stuff the kids love to put on. Now I am paranoid. I so, so, so don't want to have to deal with lice. It is a royal pain in the patootie. I have been like a mother monkey all day searching Sammy's head for any crawling rice (I guess that's what they look like). And just the thought of it sets my scalp a itching.

Sammy's classmate also has an older brother who is in Daniel's class so potentially it could be in Daniel's class too. Tomorrow all the kids will get checked. Please no. Please, please no.


Amy said...

yikes! i hope the ukus don't find new homes on any more children's heads. i love your uku joke :-)

Chrissie said...

You should be very worried. Your kids have those ginormous heads. They're like head mansions. If I was an 'uku I'd be all "OMG! Look at the square footage on that noggin! I'm totally jumping over there!" That's a lot of prime real estate sister!