Well, the expectations were met and we survived, no, rather, we Conquered the Cubanapolis today. The boys in our den exhibited the highest levels of courage, valor and sportsmanship. It has been said before that a picture is worth a thousand words, so, in lieu of another essay, I give you the following ten thousand words (with a little commentary thrown in by me along the way).

Here is my son, the proud owner of his very own Batmobile. The original design specifications for the Batmobile were more complex, however, those plans were sacrificed to the altar of the almighty bacon yesterday.

During the opening parade of vehicles, the best and brightest were chosen to lead.

The event consisted of a total of three races per driver. As you can tell by the missing tail fin on Daniel's Batmobile, the races were brutal contests of sheer will and desire. More a matter of survival than victory. Just live to race again.

Each individual race consisted of three laps around an arduous course. Pit stops were required just to wipe the blood from the racer's faces as they toiled under the brutal conditions.

Fine mechanical adjustments were required for the final lap: shoe removal, sock reversal, and shoe re-attachment. Daniel here can be seen checking the high tech internal readouts of the Batmobile, to ensure proper maintenance is provided by the crack crew.

The main crew chief needed some assistance from the rest of the pit crew team, and that team stepped up to the plate. The crew chief may not hold his position long if the youngster continues to perform at such a high level.

With such a high end vehicle, a crack pit crew and the desire to succeed, was the race ever really in doubt? No, the joy on the face of the driver here shows that there really is no nectar so sweet as Victory.

Here we see evidence of the dominance of Den 1. They don't call this team of winners the Aces for nothing. Great job, boys.

Such a good time was had by all that even some of the moms had to jump in and try things out. While Suzy is in second here, please rest assured that in the end, she left those other ladies in the dust. The Batmobile could not be denied today (you might notice that all of the wings of the Batmobile were gone by now, it was a rough day).

That's right, baby, Cubanapolis Raceway Winner!
[Edit: I can't believe that I forgot my favorite part of the day! During his third and final race Daniel had his arms inside the car for most of the race. When he finished he came up to me and said, 'That was hard, I spent a lot of time keeping my pants up!' It seems that he might have needed a belt, and since he was missing one he was giving quite a show to the folks in the viewing area. Glad those SpongeBob underwear were clean, boy! Oh, and the bacon? It was delicious..../Edit]
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