'What', you ask, 'in the world, is the Baconopolis?'
Thank you all for that wonderful question. The Baconopolis, or as it is more commonly known, the Cubanapolis, is an annual cub scout event during which the boys run around a course in cardboard boxes pretending to be race cars. The boys/parents decorate their cars before hand and a good time is had by all. Or at least that is what I have been told, as I have never yet participated in the aforementioned event. Our big day is tomorrow.
'So why are you blogging about this tonight?'
Another astute question, you all are on a role tonight! During the parent meeting that took place early this month, I was disgusted by the lack of people volunteering to help, so I said that I will take care of the 'hot' aspect of breakfast. Yikes.
'How many people show up to this thing?'
Now you all are just showing off with these poignant and probing questions. 80 to 90.
Ermmm. What? I have to cook breakfast for 85 people? Eggs, potatoes, and ... you guessed it, BACON! This afternoon I cooked twelve packages of Costco bacon, each of which contained fourteen slices of premium pig. So, taking into account the pieces that I 'tested' early in the process, and the ones the boys ate for dinner, I am bringing approximately 159 strips of bacon. My house smells like bacon. My clothes smell like bacon. My wife smells like bacon. The funny thing about it, I am not sick of bacon. Right now I am tempted to wander downstairs and down a few slices.
Now for the potatoes! Actually Suzy came through for me big time, and cooked all the potatoes for me. It was a family bonding experience. I was baking bacon, she was frying taters.
Ok, now for the eggs. Again, thankfully one of the other den families stepped up to the plate big time and volunteered to take the eggs off my plate (pun intended). I just talked with them an hour ago and they survived the ordeal. I owe them, big time. I don't want to think about what our kitchen would have been like tonight if we also would have had to cook ten dozen eggs.
So I am pooped. I want nothing more than to take a shower to hopefully get the bacon smell off of my body. Wish me luck. Oh, and wish Daniel luck tomorrow as he competes in his Batmobile. He may not be the fastest on the track, but his car will certainly win the prize for smelling the most like a popular breakfast meat.

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