When was the last time you soaked in a nice hot bath? Last week? Last year? Can't even remember? That would be me. It has been a long, long time since I enjoyed a nice hot bubble bath. It's not that I don't like baths, I do. It's just such a pain. I've got three laundry baskets overflowing with dirty clothes sitting in my bathtub at this moment. And underneath who knows what kind of dust balls and grime reside. So the idea of cleaning and
scrubbing for half and hour so I can relax in a hot bath for a while just isn't appealing.
Tonight I gave the boys a nice hot bath. The plug to the bath has been broken for a long time so I have not filled the tub for the boys in a while. Well, I was finally able to remedy the plug issue (thanks Babe) and filled the tub to the brim with nice hot water. The boys loved it. And it looked so nice and inviting I just had to roll up my pants and take a dip. It felt wonderful. If I could have fit I would have been in there with them. Maybe giving my tub a good scrub might be worth it.
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