Happy New Year! Another year has come and gone, and a brand new year now lies before us. There is something about the start of a new year. For me it is an exciting time. I love looking back and reminiscing about the past year and looking forward to what is to come.

We definitely had a full 2008 year. Our family went on our first camping trip to Agua Caliente, spent two weeks in Hawaii and went to a family retreat in Ramona. Daniel finished his first year of school and started the first grade. He has gone from sounding out words to reading with a fluency beyond his years. Sammy has also continued to grow in so many ways too. He has learned to write his name and with the development of his hand-eye coordination can draw pictures (with his left hand).
Dan got to travel to Baltimore for business and got to spend some time with his brother and family celebrating Alex's 5th birthday. I got to canoe the Colorado River last spring and went on a girls getaway weekend to Palm Springs with a bunch of my Mom friends this fall. Dan and I joined a Bible Study at our church and Dan volunteered to teach Sunday School to Kindergartners and 1st graders. Dan became Den Leader for Daniel's cub scout group and I volunteered to be co-president of our school's PTO.
This year we've seen gas prices rise and drop, the economy and stock market take a nose dive and too much fighting and unrest in the world. We've had friends and family experience joy and pain, hope and uncertainty. And yet never have I felt God's presence and hand at work more. His blessings continue to rain down on us. He is faithful.
Yes, it has been quite a year. I can't wait to see what 2009 holds in store for us!

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