We went to church bright and early this morning as usual, but it was a little different today. Sammy, for the first time, got to stay in service with Dan, Daniel and I and then go to Kids Worship, which is where the big kids get to go during the sermon. He was very excited and was practically skipping out of the sanctuary with joy. He also got to join the Kindergartners for Sunday School. Dan (he is one of the teachers of that class) said Sammy did very well. I have been going downstairs to drop off one or more of the boys at the nursery or preschool for almost 7 years now, so it was very strange going straight to the sanctuary with both the boys. They are getting so big!
On Reading...
I began reading, or rather re-reading, the book 'Celebration of Discipline' by Richard J. Foster, for our Bible Study today. In the intro Foster explains what led him to write this book and writes, "These "saints", as we sometimes call them, knew God in a way that I clearly did not. They experienced Jesus as the defining reality of their lives. They possessed a flaming vision of God that blinded them to all competing loyalties. They experienced life built on the Rock.
...I began desiring this kind of life for myself. And desiring led to seeking and seeking led to finding. And what I found settled me, deepened me, thickened me." This is just what we need in our society that tends to make us frantic, shallow and spread too thinned out.
Boys at play...
I love it when the boys set up little fortresses and scenes for their Lego people to inhabit.

Bombs away...
Sammy loves to jump from the top bunk to the bottom bunk. Me, not so much.
Wibbly, wobbly tooth...
It is just hanging by a thread. Any day now.
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