If you are at all squeamish or not used to the strange things that come out of the mouth of children, please move on. You have been warned. Last chance. Too late.
Living Room Sofa. TV is on.
Sammy, a young boy of five.
Dada, an old man (yikes, almost 36) who happens to be Sammy's father.
Act 1: Scene 1:
Sammy and Dada are sitting on the sofa watching TV. Sammy is gently touching Dada's ear.
Sammy: 'Dada, when you die I am going to eat the fat part of your ear.'
Dada: 'You're going to do what?'
Sammy: 'Eat the fat part of your ear.'
Dada: 'Do you mean my ear lobe?'
Sammy: 'Yeah. I am going to eat your ear lobe.'
Dada (trying to remain calm): 'Uh, Sammy, I don't want you to eat my ear lobe when I die.'
Sammy: 'Why not? You'll be dead already.'
Dada (trying to sound reasonable): 'We don't eat people, Sammy, not even when they are dead. It's just not OK.'
Sammy (with a disappointed tone): 'Oh, all right.'
Scene closes with Sammy still staring at Dada's ear lobe in a way that just makes Dada uncomfortable.
Act 1: Scene 2:
Hopefully Scene 2 never takes place. You guys are strange to have read this far. Oh, and if you ever catch Sammy staring at or touching your ear lobes be afraid. Very afraid.

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