Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Amalgamations

Genesis 2:24 states the following:

For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh. (NIV)

I don't understand how that is possible, but it is sure true, and the boys are the proof. They are an incredible amalgamation (good SAT word there) of our respective family genetic codes. Almost every day I notice some new combination or permutation manifesting itself in one of the boys. Today it was Daniel. I realized that he has his mother's situational awareness. More accurately, her lack of situational awareness. Suzy's toes have to be covered in bruises, because she is constantly stubbing them on things. She will turn around in the kitchen and be completely surprised that I am standing there (that happened just yesterday). I think it has to do with her incredible ability to focus, she can be so absorbed in something that the background just sort of fades out. I, on the other hand, have trouble focusing on one thing, and tend to have my mind wander. But that is balanced by the fact that I am pretty aware of my surroundings. Daniel, not so much. You could walk right past him with a marching band and he would just keep on keeping on. There is one thing though, that will always tickle his brain into paying attention, mention the word 'Lego' and his little brain radar zeroes right in on your conversation.

Our little amalgamations running around wreaking havoc in our house are strong points of evidence that there are some profound truths in the Good Book.

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