Sunday, February 08, 2009

Mama, I see a ...

Attending a downtown church has many benefits. We worship with a group of people from all over San Diego County, from all walks of life. The opportunities to serve are limited only by our capacity for service.

That being said, there are drawbacks. This morning, as we were driving away from church the following statement was made by our youngest child,

'Mama, I see a pimp!'

The following thought went through his father's mind,

'Yes, I bet you did.'

I leave it all to you to figure out what he really did see. Any guesses? My first hint, it wasn't a pimp.


Amy said...

Was it a blimp?

Dan said...

Woohoo, Cousin Amy gets the prize of free room and board for her next visit to San Diego at an exotic Bed and Breakfast named Our House. Congrats Amy! (plane tickets are on you, sorry!)

Amy said...

hahahah thats hilarious that it was a blimp!! what a great prize :-)