Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Ask and it will be answered...

Do you ever ask your kids a question and as soon as it leaves your lips you regret having spoken? That happens to me quite often. In fact that happened to me tonight.

The boys and I were snuggled up in my bed reading an exciting mystery (The Kidnapped King) and I came across a word I thought the boys didn't know. Being the good mother I am, I asked the boys if they knew what the word meant. I knew mistake as soon as I asked because the word was 'tutor'.

Asking two smallish rascally boys what they think the definition of 'tutor' is is just asking for trouble. Daniel was the first to answer, "Is it someone who toots for you!" And then they both broke down laughing (and I admit even I giggled a little bit). From then on every time I read 'tutor' (and it was mentioned quite often) the boys started a giggle fest.

Boys sure are a different bred. And I sure do love them.

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