Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Beach Stroll

Monday, December 29, 2008
A Quiet House
We Skyped them tonight and it appears everyone is doing well. My parents didn't seem to be at the end of their rope...yet. They got their hair cut, had donuts, saw a movie, pulled weeds and got soaking wet in my parent's backyard fountain and that was just today. I am sure my parents will be wiped by the time we arrive.
Dan and I have been doing a lot of relaxing. I have been reading, sewing, knitting and just enjoying the peace and quiet of our house. It is definitely nice to have a break from parenting every once and a while. Thanks Tutu and Papa!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Playing in the Rain

Friday, December 26, 2008
A Very Merry Christmas

Monday, December 22, 2008
Getting Close...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Happy 5th Birthday Sammy!
It seems like eons ago and yet just like yesterday. I can hardly remember life without my Sammy, but these last five years have flown by in a blink of an eye. And what a five years it has been. I wouldn't trade one of them for anything in the world.
Happy birthday, Sammy! I love you so, so much!

Friday, October 10, 2008
Bigger is Better

I immediately thought of Leina, my niece. She loves stuffed animals and the bigger the better. Although I don't think her room is big enough for this monstrosity.

Thursday, September 25, 2008
Caught Red Handed

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
The Next Top Ten Song
Yes, they are saying 'always exclusive'. No, I don't know why. And Yes, my kids are quite strange.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Sammy's First Day

Today was Sammy's first day of his last year of preschool. He was a little shy this morning going to class, but had a great day. Sammy also has the same teacher and same classroom as last year, but instead of 4 boys and 8 girls, there are 4 boys and 14 girls. They added a teacher and added 6 more kids since the part time preschool is so popular. Fortunately, Sammy is not old enough to appreciate the boy to girl ratio.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008
First Day of the 1st Grade

Monday, September 01, 2008
Home Again
And tomorrow Daniel has his first day of 1st grade. Now that cannot possibly be right. Not my little nugget. How can my first born be in 1st grade when I have such vivid memories of being in 1st grade?
So tomorrow starts another school year. And for Sammy his last year of preschool. Wait! That really can't be right. Sammy's practically a baby still. Okay, so he is a pretty big kid now, but I don't know if I'm ready for both of my boys to be in school full time. I will have to enjoy and treasure this last year of time with Sammy.
I hope that the boys have a great school year and I can't wait to see how much each of them grows and learns. What an exciting time! I am looking forward to it all.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

We got up early this morning (who am I kidding, we get up early every morning) and were out the door by just after 8 AM. After sitting through the 9 minute orientation movie we trekked down the hill and set up camp in Tutu's favorite spot. Sammy and I played in the shallows while Suzy, Papa and Daniel headed out to deep waters. Many fish and one very cold boy later they waddled past Sammy and I on their way in to warm up and snack away.

Showing the resiliancy of youth, Daniel was soon ready to head back out, so I got my shot. Out Daniel and I went to find Papa, while Suzy took a turn chasing Sammy around. I particularly liked seeing the humuhumu, and we also got to see some cool fish that mimiced rocks. Speaking of mimicing a rock, I soon did my best rock impersonation, catching some much needed rest before the surprise of the day happened. Sammy, my anti-water boy, continued his surprises of yesterday by asking to go out in the deep water.

After getting out there, he decided that actually sticking that big head underwater might scare all the fish away. So, being the nature loving kid that he is, he declined to actually snorkel, but he did let me pull him around the bay for a while.

The boys then had a lot of fun playing in the shallows and sand together before we headed up the hill.

Proof that we actually made it up the hill (and didn't even take the shuttle, which was a mistake...) After that busy morning we snuck over to Hawaii Kai for an early lunch (Korean BBQ) and some treats at Zippys and Bubbies. Sammy was busy enjoying his pastry from Zippys, when his Mama came out of Bubbies with some more mochi ice cream. Needless to say, the pastry was soon forgotten as his begging kicked in.
Hawaii Kai is a pretty nice little community, with a waterway that we were enjoying during our lunch. After lunch we headed home for some much needed downtime, during which only Papa was able to sleep. That is, he was able to sleep after getting his first victory at Mexican Train, a domino game we have been playing a lot of.
What's going on tomorrow? Glad you asked, I think that we will be having some yummy food and finding some pristine beach. Wish us luck in finding the food and beach.
Day 3: Fishing for Sammy
It started out early, although not as early as yesterday. The boys first started stirring at 5:30 or so, and we didn't have to start dealing with them until six something. So yesterday I got to enjoy the sunrise with my wife, but today I got to sleep 'in' a bit, it's a toss up as to which I enjoyed more.
After a great breakfast of bacon and eggs cooked al a Papa, we headed down to the beach for a morning stroll. The first discovery (of many) was this squid, which to me was pretty big, the picture just doesn't do it justice.

After the stroll along the beach we headed into Hawaii Kai, just 20 minutes away around Makapu'u Point, to pick up some more groceries, and any other yummy things that we could find. Suzy had scouted out this mall yesterday on her way to Costco, and had quickly zeroed in on Bubbies, a mochi ice cream place she frequented while spending a summer 'studying' at the University of Hawaii.

After quickly finishing off the dozen packets of goodness (and an additional three more just to make sure the first twelve were accurate representations of true mochi ice cream), we took care of business at Foodland, and stopped in to pick up some sushi for lunch.

We needed to hustle home because we were having our first guests of the season at Hale Terry, Auntie Bonnie, Cousin Amy and Granpa Burge we coming. Daniel had a hard time sitting still during the sushi lunch (yes there was ika, no it was not the ika from that morning on the beach), because one of the main reasons he was excited about coming back to Hawaii was to build legos with cousin Amy. Wish granted.

It was such a busy morning that Suzy and Sammy needed to take a quick nap to rest up for the evening's festivities. Once there power nap was done we headed to the beach for some time in the water.

Yesterday was fun in the water, despite the flat conditions. Today was great. Stupendous. To quote one of my favorite TV characters, 'Awesome'. Why? Glad you asked. For the first time in his life, Sammy rode a boogey board wave into shore. Last year was great, Sammy went out in the surf with me, but hung on to my neck so tightly there was no chance he was riding a wave in. This year, it started out much the same, but to my surprise he got braver and braver the longer we were out there. Lo and behold, after half an hour or so, we had caught three waves. Amazing.

I thought my day was done after that, but nope, I was wrong. Daniel decided he wanted back on the board, and he then shocked me by agreeing to catch a wave in by himself! I had him out there, found a good wave, and gave him a shove. He even got clobbered once, shook his head, wandered around the beach for a few seconds, then turned around and ran back in with me.
Couldn't believe it. What a day.
So, why the 'Fishing for Sammy', title? Well, after his second successful wave ride I was getting a bit cocky, and picked a bit of a bigger wave for our third try. Not a great idea on my part, and we got pounded. I think it was mainly on the followup wave after our ride was mostly over, it knocked me over, and thus down went Sammy, with the board on top of him. I reached out with my hand underwater, grabbed the first thing I could, and up came a Sammy leg, thankfully still attached. I had caught myself a thoroughly wet, a bit scared, but still mostly happy Sammy. I decided not to throw him back in, he is a keeper!