Thursday, September 25, 2008

Caught Red Handed

Daniel brought home his first yellow card of the year yesterday. I was actually working in his classroom when he got it so it wasn't much of a surprise. And I should have seen it coming since I recently found Daniel in our bathroom doing to same thing. When I asked him what he was trying to do he told me that someone was showing him how to blow bubbles with his hands at school one day. He wasn't able to do it at home because it wasn't the right kind of soap. So I guess he decided to try it at school. Big mistake. Wondering what was taking Daniel so long in the bathroom, his teacher went to check on him and caught him in the act. I can just imagine Daniel leaning over the sink gently trying to coax a bubble from between his hands when suddenly his teacher, who he has a major crush on, walks in and catches him red (or shall I say soapy) handed. He probably jumped out of his skin. Oh that I could have seen the look in his face. I don't think he will be doing that again.

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