Monday, May 11, 2009

Stinky Laundry

Our laundry has reached new levels of stinkiness.

'Oh, that blog topic has been done to death, no one wants to hear one more thing about people battling with laundry!'

Well, last night we made family history because we broke the three wash barrier.

'Three washes? We go through more than three loads all the time! You got nothing!'

The three wash barrier actually means we washed THE SAME load of laundry three times. We have a bad habit of forgetting about a load. We run the washer, and forget to switch over. So, a few days pass, and you have a load of mildewy clothes and towels sitting in your washing machine. Last night we finally completed the cycle, the same load of laundry was washed three consecutive times over the course of a little more than a week before we remembered to switch it over to the dryer.

Is it possible to have 'Senior Moments' when you are only 36?

1 comment:

Jane said...

Well, you just might have to start adopting anti-senior-moment strategies such as putting a sticky note on your microwave reminding you to transfer the wash load to the dryer! Works for me!