Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Elbow Alert

When the boys were wee little chunky babies we always knew when they were going through a growth spurt because Dan and I would notice our backs would start to hurt. I guess even a pound or two is enough for our bodies to notice. It has been a while since I've been able to lug either one of the boys around on my hip like I used to, but I now have a new indicator of boy growth. It is my elbow. No, my elbow doesn't get sore are anything like that. It starts to bonk the growing boy on their head. I noticed that every so often it seem like I am whacking a boy left and right with my elbow and at first I just thought they were getting in my way, standing too close or something. But I think it is just that they have grown and I haven't adjusted to their new height. So over the past few days Sammy's rather large noggin' has been the target of my elbow. Must be a growth spurt.

1 comment:

Jane said...

That means you can start using
Sammy's head as an arm rest!
Take advantage of this fleeting opportunity!