Thursday, May 14, 2009

Ladybugs Galore

Sammy loves ladybugs and is always on the lookout for them, so this morning Sammy and I went on a ladybug hunt. We found a grand total of three ladybugs, although one got away. Since our hunt turned out so poorly we decide to head over to the nursery to see if we could buy some. Sure enough there were ladybugs galore to purchase. 1500 of them! Boy was Sammy excited.

We don't have a very big backyard so releasing 1500 ladybugs into our small garden was pretty cool. They were everywhere. On plants, on the ground, flying through the air, crawling on our arms and legs, in the boy's hair, everywhere. I doubt there will be one aphid left alive by tomorrow morning. Thanks little Miss and feel free to stick around as you are always welcome.

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