Suzy, Sammy and I got to join Daniel's cub scout den today for a raucous time at the Padres Game. It was Sammy's first Major League Baseball game, and the Padres decided to stay hot and win it for him, 7 to 2 over the dreaded Cubbies. Daniel had fun with his buddies, Sammy enjoyed his cotton candy, and Suzy and I had a nice time enjoying the game, and hanging out with the other parents.
The last time I took Daniel to a Padres game he was very little, and it was an enormous hassle. Everything from worrying about parking (not wanting to carry him for blocks through the city), how he was going to behave, missing his nap. It all conspired together to make me not want to go to games with the boys. Thankfully today as a test run wiped all of those concerns right out. Both boys were great at the game, they no longer require any assistance to hoof it to the parking garage, and missing nap time now only seems to be a problem for my wife, not my children. I can't believe that I am even saying this, but I might even consider taking them to a night game. Nah, that's crazy talk, but day games, that I would do again.

Sammy, at his first game. Yes, our seats were very far away, but perfect anyway.

A beautiful sight, not a cloud in the sky, about 73 degrees, it cooled down a bit once we got in the shade, a perfect San Diego day.

Five Cub Scouts are in this picture, can you name them? I can, there's David, Cameron, Daniel, Alec and Justin. And their respective families. Hey, where's Suzy?

Daniel enjoying his refreshing lemonade and sporting the awesome looking brown 1984 commemorative batting helmet.

Now Daniel is sporting the current incarnation of his goofy smile. And Sammy is hiding. Can you see him?

Mmmm, cotton candy. Suzy remembered to bring baby wipes, so don't worry. She thinks of everything!

Go Padres.
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