Consider this one of those times, the price you have to pay to be a part of this family. Sorry.
Last night Suzy and I were able to join about fifteen other families at a showing of the movie Fireproof at our church. We had NetFlixed it a few months ago, and enjoyed it, so we thought we would go last night to support the organizers, and to participate in the discussion. The movie is about a young couple who are going through marital troubles, on the verge of divorce, and how they deal with things.
Some of the folks that read this blog are married, so I definitely would recommend watching it, as it specifically talks about how to improve things there. But, the lessons taught on relationships extend beyond just between spouses. The sacrificial love that is emphasized applies to any relationship that is, or should be, important to you.
I don't want to spoil the movie, and I don't want to give too many details because I think it is important for you all to watch it yourselves and come to your own conclusions. I don't ask a lot of you all, but I am asking this, please watch this movie... twice. Suzy and I decided twice would be better because for about the first thirty minutes you kind of cringe for a few reasons, the acting is not great, and the kid from Growning Pains (Kirk Cameron) is all grown up. The acting became less distracting as the movie goes on, and the second time we watched it (last night) neither of us cringed at all.
Please take a few nights out of your life to watch the movie. If you do watch it and have questions or want to talk about it we would love to do so.

Ok, but gives us a hint--
is this a 3-kleenex or entire-box
I'm putting it on our Nexflix list. Will let you know what we thought....
About the kleenex, I noticed after the movie that the folks that had set things up had strategically positioned boxes of tissues throughout the room, there must have been 10 boxes around.
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