Saturday, March 21, 2009

Tickle Power

Daniel threw a sock at me. Don't worry, usually I completely condone such acts as allowable, even fun. You see, in our house we play a game called, 'Sock Game'. I don't really know the origins of Sock Game, except Suzy and I have been playing it as long as we have been married. The premise of the game is this:

Take a clean sock. Call out the other players name.

'Hey Suzy.'

Announce the beginning of the game.

'Sock Game.'

Toss the sock 'gently' at the other player. The other player is obligated to not move or flinch. If you get them with the sock, you win.

I know, fun game, right?

So, Daniel hit me with a sock tonight after dinner. Completely legitimate, except for one minor detail. He used a dirty sock. The official rules of Sock Game call for a punishment of up to, but not exceeding, 35 seconds of tickling.

At about the 7 second mark, Daniel made a weird noise,

'Um, grr, oh!'

Being the situationally aware person that I am, I stopped mid-tickle to discover the cause of the strange guttural noise. I looked down at Daniel, and saw this small, white, somewhat bloody object in his hand. Yep, that's right. I tickled his loose tooth right out of him. That'll teach him to break the rules of the Sock Game.

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