Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Never Ending Day

Today was a long, long day. Actually, put one more long in there and that was my day. Dan has been leaving the house early (6AM) this week for some training he is doing up in Temecula. This greatly impacts me because normally Dan rousts the boys from bed and gets them dressed and teeth brushed. Well, this week all the pre-school preparations are left up to me. And this morning Daniel was supposed to be at school 45 minutes early for a Cub Scout Food Drive that's going on. So this morning I got up extra early. I planned to get the boys ready, grab bagels on the way to school and get there nice and early for the Food Drive. Everything was going smoothly until Daniel walked over to the trash can as we were leaving the bagel shop, declared he wasn't feeling so well and then proceeded to throw up into the trash can. And then once more just for good luck. That was the start of my very long day.

So I had Sammy AND a sick Daniel home with me all day AND I had about a million things to get done. Dan was home for about a grand total of 5 minutes before heading out to a School Board meeting this evening. Like I said, it was a long day. I am hoping tomorrow will nice and short.

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