Monday, March 23, 2009

A Fun Filled Day

Well, we wiped out the cousins today. In fact we wiped ourselves out as well. Chrissie took a 2 hour nap with Kulia and Tutu and I debated hitting the sack at 8 pm tonight.

Daniel had to go to school today so it was just Sammy, Leina and Kulia. We took them up to the park and they ran and ran and ran around all morning long. Then we grabbed some lunch and headed over to Dan's work. The kids ate some and then played on all the workout equipment at work. After a brief rest time I took Sammy and Leina down to school to get Daniel. We showed Leina around school and then stopped by to say 'hi' to Nana, who had strawberries and cookies waiting.

When we finally got home the cousins all ran around outside while Tutu and I prepared yummy curry for dinner. We finished the day with chocolate and mint chocolate chip (my favorite)  ice cream in chocolate covered cones. Yum!

Before any meltdowns could ensue we washed, brushed, read to and threw the kiddos in bed. And they must have been wiped because we didn't hear a peep from their room. Except Kulia, who had a two and a half hour nap and entertained us with her cuteness till almost 9 pm.

A full and very fun day for all.

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