It has become a bit of a game with the kids. Who's parents have shown up for Chapel this week? Oh, looks like David is going to get a Chapel award, there are his parents. Well, Suzy and I are nothing if not competitive and sneaky, so we try very hard to not let Daniel know when we are there. In fact, the picture below is taken right as he finally saw us hiding up in the balcony after he received his award for the character trait of 'lasting'.

We aren't quite sure what 'lasting' signifies, but we think it is some positive way of saying very stubborn. Actually, Suzy and I were both pretty surprised that Daniel got this award, because he really isn't that stubborn, or whatever the positive spin on stubborn is. However, he does have an enduring positive character, which is how we are choosing to define 'Lasting'.

Gotcha, buddy, you never even knew we were there! We win!
[The kid in the front row on the right side in the above picture actually saw us for a split second in the hallway, but we ducked back behind a corner pretty quickly. It turns out he was walking right in front of Daniel in line, he missed us by that ' ' much. Better luck next time, Daniel.]
[Also, I am pretty sure that this will post as Suzy, but I am too tired to figure out how to change that, so just remember, I get credit for this one!]
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