Saturday, March 28, 2009

An Adventurous Day

The boys and I had quite the day of adventure today. Suzy is on Day Two of her Women's Retreat, so I have been thinking all week of what the boys and I would do for the day. I knew from past experience that I better have some plan to keep us all occupied, because if I just spent the day trying to figure things out on the fly we all would end up grumpy. Thankfully, Daniel's cub scout den is full of boys itching to party, and parents willing to go have some fun too. So when I sent out an email earlier this week asking if anyone wanted to join me, Sammy and Daniel at an afternoon showing of Monsters vs. Aliens (watch out for the noise of this link), followed by dinner at Ruby's, I figured that I would have some takers. I was right, fully two thirds of our den and their parents and assorted siblings showed up. Good movie, well behaved kids, and fun parents equals a very nice evening out for me. It was great to see the line of five little boys sitting in the row of the theater, jumping at the 'scary' parts and doing their silly laughs at the funny parts, all in unison.

Since I had scouting on my mind I decided to make a full day of it for my boys. We spent the morning doing 'Elective' and 'Required' scouting activities. For every ten electives that Daniel does, he gets a bead. He also needs to finish all of the required items to get his Tiger Cub badge. We did things like wandering around the neighborhood to practice our orienteering skills, fire drills (the boys have this one down pat, but the neighbors sure gave us some weird looks), created weather reports, talked about sun screen, tested smoke detectors, talked about recycling, etc, etc, etc! Sammy was more than happy to join in the fun, and by the end of the morning we had done about 10 electives or Tiger Cub requirements. He is now just a few things shy of his Tiger Cub badge.

Since the boys were both busy all day, they went down like logs tonight, nary a peep was heard after 'lights out'. Just the way I like it. Now if my lovely bride would just come home things would be perfect. When is she getting back?


powellsa74 said...

Good job Dad! That sounded like a fun day:)

Dan said...

Thanks, Sarah, it was a fun day. We have to get you and Chuck out here to share some of the fun! If you guys are lucky I might take you all out to Monsters vs. Aliens too...

powellsa74 said...

Not a problem here...Chuck watches Nemo or Cars every Sat. morning!