Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Spelling Test

I am a terrible speller. An awful speller. Always have been and probably always will be. I'm not sure why exactly, but it is what it is. I'm just thankful for Spell Check. I can at least fool people into thinking I can spell with Spell Check. But sometimes I am left on my own and the truth comes out. Like this morning.

This morning I was helping out in Daniel's class. The kids have journal time each morning when they draw a picture and then write about the picture. When they are done they raise their hand so someone can come and read their writing and correct spelling, punctuation, etc. You can see where this is leading. Kid raises hand, I come over to check out their writing and then I have no idea how to correctly spell one of their words. Really quite embarrassing. Some of the first graders can probably spell better than me.

Thankfully it appears that Daniel has not inherited my spelling gene. He is a very good speller so far. He has a spelling test each week of about 12-16 words and I think he has only missed 3 words the whole year. Must be thanks to Dan.

And Sammy can already spell simple words like cat, dog and sun. Hopefully the bad speller gene has also passed Sammy by.

If not there is always Spell Check.

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