See what I mean? Would you ever want to do anything new if all these what ifs were running through your head? It's enough to drive any woman (and her poor husband) crazy. But I know that trying new things is good, so I force myself to step out of my box. My comfort zone. And you know what? Everything turns out fine, at least most of the time, and I wonder why I ever let those pesky 'what ifs' ruffle my feathers.
Today was Daniel's first day of Zoo Camp. We've never done Zoo Camp before. In fact the only camps we've done have been through our church or school (which is part of our church). So this was a step out of my comfort zone. I had many what ifs about pick-up, drop-off, what to bring, etc. and had visions of Daniel wandering around the Zoo looking for his group. I know, I know. I am a little bit crazy. It comes with being a Mom, I guess.
Well, it turns out Daniel had a great time and did not get lost. None of my 'what ifs' were realized. It really shouldn't come as any surprise to me. And you'd think I would have learned by now not to worry so much about the unknown. I guess I'm a slow learner.
So here is Daniel on his first day of Zoo Camp. Yes, that is Sammy climbing on the fence in the background. I really think he has some monkey blood in him.

Sammy and I did a little exploring of Balboa Park since we were there. I love Balboa Park!
Logs are fun to walk on. Especially if you are part monkey.
A flower for me? He is the sweetest little boy ever!
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