Friday, June 29, 2007

A Great Idea

I have come up with a great idea. Well, actually I came up with this idea the last time I suffered from a bad head cold, but this latest cold that wreaked havoc on my poor sinuses reminded me once again of my great idea.

My great idea is this... drum roll please... invent a drug that blocks your sense of taste and use it for weight loss. I kid you not. I think it is a great idea! I went for about 10 days without being able to taste a thing and let me tell you it definitely takes away any desire to eat. I ate only to stop any hunger pangs. There was no enjoyment and I had no desire to overeat. And since a low-fat cracker tasted no different than a cookie, it was easy to make a healthy choice.

Although I think a drug like this would do wonders to take off the pounds quickly, I don't think it would become popular because, well, it really sucks not to be able to taste. To see a Krispy Creme doughnut and know what pleasures it holds and then take a bite and taste nothing can become quite depressing over time.

I have to say that I am so glad to be able to savor the sweetness of a strawberry once again. And chocolate, oh, chocolate... I just couldn't do without that taste. But if you really want to drop a couple of pounds quickly, go out and catch yourself a nice big sinus infection. Trust me, it will do the trick.

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