Thursday, April 05, 2007

Funny Things

Recently I have been having a bit of a hard time at home. I have been working pretty hard on some difficult stuff, and when I get home the boys have been... difficult. Suzy would back me up on this. The last few days they have been pains in the rear. Mainly Sammy, but with a steady dose of Daniel thrown in for good measure. Sammy has just been grumpy, we can't figure out a reason, and Daniel can't hear for beans, a wonderful left over remnant of a recent cold. Tonight on my way home from work I decided to make a change. At least a temporary one. I wasn't going to get off on the wrong foot, if they were making me mad, I would just turn it around and try to have fun with it. It worked. At least for a little while. The benefits of this plan, not including the lower blood pressure, are that I am now able to remember some of the funny stuff that the boys said tonight, whereas I normally forget. I will now pass those memories on for your enjoyment.

Sammy wanted to know what wine tasted like (now you know the real secret of my better mood). I put a drop on my finger and let him taste it.

'It tastes spicy!' - that is a fairly common response for the boys to strange tastes...

Daniel wanted to join the fun so I re-dipped the finger and let him have a taste.

'It tastes like a box.' - I don't think that the winery is going to use that one in their advertisements.

Over the past few days Sammy has been 'washing' his hair. That consists of him sneaking off to the bathroom and quietly wetting a hand towel and using that to get his hair wet. He then proceeds to rub in soap or lotion, it doesn't matter to him. The first time he did it I thought it was pretty funny. The second time he got in trouble because he made a big mess. Tonight he got in trouble because he was told that he couldn't do it anymore after try number two. I had Daniel check the bathroom and report back, and no mess this time so we let it slide.

'So, Sammy, why did you wash your hair.' we asked.

'So mushrooms won't grow in it.' - well, I guess that is a pretty good reason.

The moral of this story, we need more wine, because it sure seems to help my parenting.

1 comment:

Chrissie said...

Maybe you need to "upgrade". I find a nice tall glass of vodka or tequilla to really take the edge off after a rough day. Wine? That's a mid-morning pick me up at best. You need to upgrade my friend!