Saturday, April 28, 2007

Busy Day

Dan and I rolled out of bed today at around 8:00 a.m., well, come to think of it I don't think Dan got out of bed until 8:30 or 9. Surprised? Shocked? A little jealous (for those who have young children)?

Yes, Dan and I got to spend an evening, a night and a whole morning sans kids. And the boys got to have a sleepover at Nana's. I think both party's were thrilled.

It is always strange to not wake up to either my alarm or my children, and even more strange to still be in bed past 7:30 or so. I can count on one hand the number of times I have gone to sleep without my children under the same roof.

So Dan and I got to go out to dinner, see a movie (can you believe admission was $10.50!), sleep in and have a leisurely morning. Dan actually did some house work, repaired the toilet. And I hiked up a mountain. Yes, you heard me right, although Dan says it was only a hill. Who knew that only 15 minutes from my house there is a nice, climbable mountain. In a few weeks I will be going on a backpacking trip, so I am in training. I haven't donned a backpack since college, way to long ago, so I have some serious preparation to do.

So all and all it was a pretty busy day. Dan fixed the toilet, I climbed a mountain and the boys are home.

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