I don't want to brag or anything...but, I have to say that I am very good at finding things. Well, not just good. I am the master when it comes to finding things. Dan might say I am the only one who puts things away so of course I know where everything is, but I would beg to differ.
From a very young age I was good at finding things. Just ask my Mom. She loved taking me shopping with her because I could
always find what she was looking for. She used to call me her 'shopping buddy'.
This skill of being able to find things has been extremely useful in my life and since having children even more so. Children, or at least
my children, love to hide things. I will often find toys, craft items or kitchen utensils in the most unusual places. Sometimes it is amusing, like finding a Lego creation under the covers, and sometimes annoying, like trying to find where in the world my circle punch went.

I pride myself on a very high recovery rate of lost items and the fact that I can find them quite quickly. So this morning I was feeling at quite a loss because
Blipie, Daniel's favorite blanket, had been missing since last night. I had searched everywhere. Upstairs, downstairs, every drawer and cabinet and under every lid or cover. Nope,
nada, nothing... I had come up empty handed. It was hard going to sleep knowing that I had failed at this task, but at least Daniel had taken the news okay (sad, but no tears) and was willing to spend the night with replacement
Blipie. I was determined to find
Blipie the next day with fresh eyes.
After I sent the boys off to preschool I again scoured the house for
Blipie. Still no luck. I was at a loss. I knew
Blipie had to be in the house, but I, the master of finding things, could not find him. And it's not like a blanket is a very small thing that could be anywhere. So, I took a break and headed off to Costco.
I came home desperate to find
Blipie. I told

Daniel I would find
Blipie while he was gone, and that was what I was going to do. I decided to start with Daniel's room, the place
Blipie spends most of his time. I scanned the room thinking of any possible place
Blipie could be. Hidden under the covers...Nope. Stuck in a clothes drawer...Nope. Yesterday I had built a huge fort in Daniel's room with sheets and both Dan and I had already checked inside for
Blipie, but I decided to open the fort up to let some light in. As I started to crawl in the entrance of the fort I looked up and there squished between two book bins was a light yellow, soft looking blanket. Relief flooded over me.
Blipie was lost, but now was found. I am still the master.