This year Tutu and Papa got to join in the fun of carving the Halloween pumpkins. I don't know who enjoyed it more, Tutu and Papa who probably haven't carved a pumpkin in a while or Dan and I who got to sit back and watch the slimy mess from a distance. Actually, with Tutu directing, the boys and surrounding environment stayed impressively clean. Tutu is the queen of clean!
I would have to say Papa probably enjoyed the whole process the most. He meticulously cut and carved those two pumpkins into masterpieces.

The boys enjoyed digging into the mushy insides and cleaning out all the seeds and pulp. Even Daniel who tends to shy away from slimy, messy things dove right in. We let Daniel draw a face for his pumpkin, but he drew a complicated Halloween scene instead of eyes, a nose and a mouth. Papa and I looked at each other not quite knowing what to say.

How do you tell a five year old there is no way you are going to try and carve his pumpkin masterpiece? Tutu came to the rescue showing Daniel some faces he could choose from a magazine. He seemed content enough with that idea and picked a face. Sammy picked a cat face.
After the pumpkins were finished being transformed into Halloween jack-o-lanterns we brought them outside and lit them up. So cute!
Can't wait for Halloween!

1 comment:
No pictures of the finished product? Or is it the journey that counts?
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