Well, it appears the end is finally in sight. The fires are still raging, but the firefighters are finally getting a handle on them and are putting projections on when they will be fully contained. Evacuations are slowing down, and people are being let back into their houses. This week has been such an emotional roller coaster for the city of San Diego. I am thankful that this time the fires were far from our home and sad for those who have lost so much. But in every tragedy there is triumph and the city of San Diego has definitely triumphed. The way the city has pulled together and taken care of friends, family and even strangers has been absolutely astounding. Evacuation centers had to ask people to stop bring food and supplies because they were becoming overwhelmed with the amount of donations being dropped off. The radio and Internet were filled with people asking how they could help. Simply amazing.

School was canceled all week and we have been trying to stay indoors, so the boys and I are going a bit stir crazy. I have been trying to keep them from destroying the house and each other will trying to maintain my sanity. All and all the boys are doing well with everything. They know there are big fires in San Diego and that Daniel's teacher and a classmate were evacuated, but I have reassured them that our house is safe. Sammy got a little teary eyed thinking about the animals that might get stuck in the fire, but that was about it.
We have also been very lucky because the air quality has not been too bad. Because the fires are to the North and South of us and the wind is blowing West we are not getting a lot of smoke over us. The mornings seem to be the worst, but by nighttime the smell is barely noticeable and we have been able to get out and take the boys around the neighborhood to stretch their legs. During the Cedar fire we had ash constantly falling from the sky and air quality was so bad you didn't want to have to go outside at all. Of course the Cedar fire came within less than five miles of our house, so we were affected much more.
Despite all the chaos, Tutu and Papa are still coming down to help us celebrate Sammy's 4th birthday! Hopefully I-5 will not get shut down again. I am looking forward to getting back to life as usual. Thanks for all the prayers and keep praying for the city and people of San Diego.
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