One of the things that we are going over in our Sunday School class on parenting is praying with, and praying for, your kids. Praying for Sammy and Daniel is no problem for me, mainly because I need all the help I can get trying to figure out how to do this whole 'father' thing. Praying with the boys has always been more of an issue. They tend to get a bit distracted. When they say grace for a meal inevitably the other one is starting in on dinner early, or playing with his fork, or leaning back in his chair, or... well, you get the picture. Then when we say our prayers at night Daniel generally is pretty good, sits their quietly, but Sammy is a squirmer. Here, there, everywhere. I have tried having him lie down, sit in my lap, kneel at the side of the bed, nothing much works. So, the other night Suzy and I decided to try and split them up for night time prayers, and I don't know how it worked for her, but Daniel and I did great. Typically I ask the boys what they would like to pray for, and I just go from there. That night after I was winding down Daniel actually jumped in and added some good stuff on his own. It was surprising, and actually very heartening, to know that he is starting to understand about praying and talking to God.
This morning on a bit of a whim as I was about to leave I called Sammy over to me and we sat by Daniel and prayed for his day at school (today is a day Sammy stays home with Suzy). We prayed that he would have a good day, that he would have fun with his friends, learn a lot, respect his teacher, and Sammy was jumping in on the prayer with me. There is hope. If God can get a not quite yet four year old Sammy to pray with me for his brother then there must be hope.
So let us know if we can pray for anything for you all, I don't know what God's answer to the prayer will be, but me and the boys, we can surely ask!