Tuesday, September 04, 2007

And He's Off

Sammy and Suzy have taken Daniel downtown for his first day of kindergarten. Suzy last night was pretty nervous, worrying that she would get him there on time, worrying about the logistics of battling for a downtown parking space, worrying about a little bit of everything. After being a guy for a while and trying to fix it, I ended up just letting her worry. Daniel has been worrying too. He is worried about not having any friends there and worried about having to take a 'long nap' (his words). Two out of the last three nights he has woken up with a bad dream. Needless to say I was a bit concerned about how he would be this morning, but when I entered the boys room at 6:45... he was happy. He had a big smile on his face, and quickly went to put on his snazzy new school uniform. Boy, did that put me in a good mood. Seeing him be excited about his first day, what a relief. Hopefully he comes home today in as good of a mood. Pray for Suzy and her parking spot!

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