I am getting a bit nervous. Tomorrow around noon I am heading south, way south, different country south, with my father-in-law, Bob. We are staying tomorrow night in a town called Ensenada, which is in Baja California. Early in the morning on Saturday (6 AM wakeup, are you ready Bob?) we grab a shuttle up the Baja coast to a town called Rosarito. Then, at around 10 AM PST, we take off with 10,000 other cyclists on a fifty mile journey along the coast of Baja back to Ensenada. Although this ride is billed as a party on wheels I am still a bit nervous. There is a hill in the middle of the route (about 22 miles in) called El Tigre. When we scouted the route a few weeks ago it seemed like a pretty good hill. In fact the whole route seemed like it took a long time to drive, much less ride. I am hoping to finish in about three and a half hours. That is a long time for me to be on a bike. Since I ride to work pretty much every day I am very used to spending time on my bike. Usually that means about 30 minutes. 30 minutes, three hours, what's the big deal?
Anyway, I am getting a bit nervous. Not for any valid reason, I have been training, and am in good shape. I think that it has to do with me being adventurous. I am by nature not a 'risk taker'. I like sure things. Going to Mexico to ride bikes with a bunch of other crazy folks is not my standard weekend. As I get older, though, I am realizing that taking a few risks is not a terrible thing. I am trying to appreciate adventure, trying new things. Taking the longer path through the woods. That sort of thing. Hopefully this attempt at taking chances doesn't lead to me in a Tijuana jail with poor Bob having to bail me out, but there is only one way to find out!
Wish me luck...
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
Week 2
So today was the first day of the second week of school. I think we have worked out a pretty good routine. The night before school we have the boys pick out their clothes for the next day. Dan gets the boys up at around 6:45 am and gets them dressed and teeth brushed. I get their breakfasts ready by about 7:10 and then we are out the door by 7:45. It is a little hectic getting breakfast ready and trying to remember all the bags and blankets and papers we need to bring with us, but all in all it has been good.
Sammy and Daniel appear to be having a great time in school. When I pick them up they are beaming and energized (how they can have so much energy after all day at school I don't know). They don't appear to miss me too much, though they give me lots and hugs and kisses when they get home, but I sure do miss them. The house is strangely still and quiet and seems less full of life without them here. It is funny how when the boys are in the house I often crave just a moment of peace and quiet and yet when I have the house to myself and all the peace and quiet I want, I miss their little voices. I guess after almost 6 years of being around my boys almost constantly, it will take some time to get used to having extended time away from them.
I have to say this transition has been pretty smooth. The school has been awesome and I couldn't be happier Daniel and Sammy's teachers. The boys are happy and that makes me happy. And if Mama is happy, as Dan likes to say, then every body's happy.
Sammy and Daniel appear to be having a great time in school. When I pick them up they are beaming and energized (how they can have so much energy after all day at school I don't know). They don't appear to miss me too much, though they give me lots and hugs and kisses when they get home, but I sure do miss them. The house is strangely still and quiet and seems less full of life without them here. It is funny how when the boys are in the house I often crave just a moment of peace and quiet and yet when I have the house to myself and all the peace and quiet I want, I miss their little voices. I guess after almost 6 years of being around my boys almost constantly, it will take some time to get used to having extended time away from them.
I have to say this transition has been pretty smooth. The school has been awesome and I couldn't be happier Daniel and Sammy's teachers. The boys are happy and that makes me happy. And if Mama is happy, as Dan likes to say, then every body's happy.
Friday, September 07, 2007
My Country Boys
Sometimes a story and pictures just can't capture a moment or memory. Sometimes you just have to be there. This was one of those moments. Luckily I had my camera on hand.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
First Day of School
All day long my mind strayed to what Daniel might be doing, how he was behaving and if he was doing okay. I was feeling a little down and depressed and Sammy must have been playing off my mood because he was a wreck after dropping Daniel off.
When I went to pick up Daniel at the end of the school day and talked to some of the other moms in Daniel's class I found out that I was not the only one who felt a little disoriented and sad throughout the day. But then the door opened and there was Daniel with a big smile on his face. Daniel's eyes lit up when he saw me and he ran to me a gave me a great big hug. Just what the doctor ordered.
I was only able to get a little bit out of him about the day's events, but he told me he had fun and made friends. Relief.
And He's Off
Sammy and Suzy have taken Daniel downtown for his first day of kindergarten. Suzy last night was pretty nervous, worrying that she would get him there on time, worrying about the logistics of battling for a downtown parking space, worrying about a little bit of everything. After being a guy for a while and trying to fix it, I ended up just letting her worry. Daniel has been worrying too. He is worried about not having any friends there and worried about having to take a 'long nap' (his words). Two out of the last three nights he has woken up with a bad dream. Needless to say I was a bit concerned about how he would be this morning, but when I entered the boys room at 6:45... he was happy. He had a big smile on his face, and quickly went to put on his snazzy new school uniform. Boy, did that put me in a good mood. Seeing him be excited about his first day, what a relief. Hopefully he comes home today in as good of a mood. Pray for Suzy and her parking spot!
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