I went with Sammy's preschool to the Fern Street Circus today. It wasn't your normal circus or at least like the kind of circus they had when I was a kid. The clowns in this circus kind of reminded me of those characters in the Doodlebops. They were moderny, edgy clowns is how I would describe them. There was lots of juggling, which the kids enjoyed immensely, people dangling from ropes and chains and hoops in strange positions, silly skits and more. Thankfully the weather cooled off today since it was an outside show.

After the show we took the kids to a big grassy area and had lunch. The kids ran around, rolled down hills, chased bubbles and gathered sticks. They seemed to have more fun during lunch than at the circus.

Sammy really like the circus show and watched intently the whole time. I kept thinking, "I can totally see Sammy doing this." He can be such a little clown and is very athletic and coordinated. Although Sammy with three bowling pins really scares me...