Thursday, August 30, 2007


When Sammy was learning to talk if you said something that he didn't understand his response was a loud and clear, 'Say?!?'. At that point in his life Sammy and I were getting on each other's nerves fairly regularly, and probably as a result of that 'Say?!?' would grate on me each and every time. For a while now we have been getting along much better, and I realized that at some point my attitude on 'Say?!?' has changed. What used to be grating and annoying has changed to endearing and funny. Now it has become a bit of a cliche in the house, he still says it a lot, and when Suzy and I hear it we smile, look at him and respond back with a loud and clear, 'Say?!?'. It has become one of the examples of the funny things that our kids say that make us smile.

Probably my favorite saying of the boys now, and one that I want society at large to pick up on, is 'tippy'. Now, we are all familiar with the common English usage of 'tippy top' to mean something that is all the way at the top. Daniel started to extend the use of 'tippy' to cover much more ground. It really was an under utilized phrase. For example, when building Legos, Daniel will say, 'No, Dada, that piece goes on the tippy bottom.' Or while listening to a Jack and Annie story on books on CD he will let us know that the story has reached the 'tippy end'. Sammy has picked up on the usage, and now has incorporated 'tippy' into his daily vocabulary as well. I haven't yet used it here at work, but I fear it is inevitable.

Since today is Suzy and my tenth anniversary I would be remiss if I didn't say Happy Anniversary to the tippy best wife in the world. Happy Anniversary, Suzy, I love you.

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