Yesterday we decided to brave the crowds at Hanauma Bay in the hopes of seeing some amazing sea life. Being only ten minutes or so away from the famed snorkeling beach we decided to head out early and see what adventures we could find.
We arrived nice and early, around 8 a.m., but we were definitely not the only people hitting the beach early. Already there was a crowd of tourists waiting to go down the the bay. Why was everyone waiting, you may ask. Well, Hanauma Bay is very different from the Hanauma Bay I visited years ago. My memories were of parking at the top of the bay and then lugging all your beach paraphernalia down a steep hill to the water. This time we had to pay to park and then we were surprised to learn we had to pay $5.00 a person to get into the beach. After paying we were required to wait to watch a 9 minute educational video about Hanauma Bay. Finally we were free to go down to the beach.
I have to admit that I was seriously wondering if the whole thing was going to be worth all the money and hassle, but it definitely was because Daniel actually went out snorkeling with Dan and Papa. And the best part of all was Daniel saw a sea turtle. After all the years I have gone out snorkeling I have never spotted a sea turtle, and my son's first snorkeling experience includes a sea turtle sighting. How exciting! My Dad said Daniel didn't take his head out of the water the whole time they were out there.
I thought Sammy might give the snorkeling a try, but he was happy to just float around in the water while I tried to point out fish swimming below him. I didn't get to go out too far because I was tugging Sammy around, but I did get to follow along behind a rather large humuhumunukunukuapua'a. There is something about the quietness of being under the water, watching fish so close you could reach out and touch them and the oneness you feel with the ocean that makes snorkeling such an awesome experience. I am so glad Daniel was able to experience it.
Snorkeling must be very engrossing because before we knew it it was already time for lunch. We packed up our gear and said our goodbyes to the bay. Back when I was a kid we had to hike back up the big hill with all our bags feeling much heavier than when we arrived. I am sure we complained the whole way up. Luckily there is now a shuttle that will take you back up to the top, for merely one dollar a person. My dad and I were ready to hike it back up, but looking back it was probably worth the dollar not to hear my kids complaining or having to carry them.
I am glad we went even despite the crowds, hassles and fees. Daniel swam with a sea turtle! So totally worth it.
1 comment:
Awesome!!! Papa, can you find a rental for me next door!!!
A sea turtle!!!
Love you all!
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