Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Hot! Hot! Hot!

Well, last week I was saying it feels like Spring, but the last few days have felt like summer. It has been HOT! We have been hitting the 80's and even crept up to 90 over the weekend. I have been romping around in shorts, skirts and tank tops and enjoying this weather. Actually this weather is better than summer because although it hits the high 80's during the day it only stays that hot for and hour or two and then cools back down to the 50's at night. So the house stays at a comfortable temperature all day.

Since it has been so hot I decide to take the boys to the pool today. They water was pretty cold still, but Daniel and Sammy didn't seem to mind. I enjoyed basking by the pool while the boys played in the water. We even pulled out our blow-up crocodile, who Daniel has named 'Snap trusty', and the boys pretended he was a ride a Disneyland.

I am still not used to the time change and have to drag myself out of bed in the morning to go workout. And it is so dark out at 6 in the morning. But I do like the extra hours of sunlight and the pitter-patter of little feet running down the hallway to the bathroom doesn't start till much later in the morning, which is nice for Dan.

The boys have mostly recovered from the coughing bug that has been passed around their preschool, but last Friday someone was sent home sick and it turns out she had strep throat. Just great! I am praying that the boys stay healthy for awhile because Dan and I are just plain tired of one or the other being sick. Hopefully this warm weather will chase away the cold and flu season. Bring on the warm weather!

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