Me: Sammy, we need to take off your shoes and clothes before you come inside.
Sammy: Why?
Me: Because you're dirty.
Sammy: Why?
Me: Because it's muddy outside.
Sammy: Why?
Me: Because it's wet out.
Sammy: Why?
Me: Because it's winter.
End of conversation. Luckily that time I was able to satisfy his question, but probably 8 times out of 10 I have to end the whys with 'Because!' or pretending I didn't hear his last 'Why?'.
I think the why phase is so hard because it is so mentally exhausting. Now that I am a mother of two I have very limited brain capacity. I have a hard time remembering why I went up or downstairs to get something. I forget words like 'pantry', 'blinds' or 'mantle'. If I need to get something done and it is not written down on my body someplace, there is a good chance I will forget. So being pounding by question after question all day is extremely taxing. And because Sammy seems genuinely curious about the questions he's asking I don't want to just blow off his questions.
I talked to my sister the other day and it turns out Leina, her daughter, is also going through this phase. While I have been trying to end the stream of whys by explaining in simple terms, my sister's solution has been to give an extremely complex answer. Since it appears to work with Leina, the next day I gave it a try.
(Sammy is pounding on the wall with his new Home Depot play hammer.)
Me: Sammy, don't pound on the wall.
Sammy: Why?
Me: (Trying Chrissie's technique) Because if you pound too hard and make a dent or hole I will have to get spackel and patch it up and then paint over it and it will be lots of work and make me grumpy. (I hold my breath and await Sammy's reply)
Sammy: (Pauses and looks at me a little concerned) Why?
Even Daniel has noticed Sammy's constant questioning. I have heard Sammy asking Daniel why? and Daniel trying to come up with answers. The other day Daniel made the comment, 'Sammy says why a lot.' and yesterday when Sammy asked 'Why?' Daniel said in an exasperated voice 'Oh no, not why again.'
Although Daniel and I would be more than happy to see the why phase phase out already, Dan really enjoys this phase. Dan loves explaining things and loves the challenge and satisfaction of satisfying Sammy's questions. In our family Dan is the master of ending the streams of whys. Sometimes he gets just one or two whys before Sammy is satisfied.
Dan: We can't light a fire on Christmas Eve.
Sammy: Why?
Dan: Because Santa would get burned.
(Sammy thinks for a second and then wanders off to play). I guess enough said.
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