So this morning on the way to church I was picking out some music to listen to and Daniel and Sammy piped up wanting to listen to 'The Mysterious Fox of Foxhollow' (Sammy) and 'Sneaky Snake' (Daniel). These are two songs from an album my sister and I loved growing up. Actually I still love it. But the past week the boys have been wanting the hear these two particular songs again and again and again.
'I want to listen to something else because we have been listening to those songs over and over again and I'm getting tired of it," I said a little peevishly.
And then Dan chuckled and mumbled 'payback'.
Thank you! I still cannot forget the 2.5 hour car ride from SD to LA during which you played Volcano the ENTIRE time over and over and over. And lets not forget the Stand By Me soundtrack. I can hardly look at a Lollipop. So rock on boys!
Evita. Arghh. I can feel my brain leaking out of my ears when I hear Antonio Banderas croon at Madonna.
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