Sunday, June 28, 2009

Keeping My Head Above Water

So far so good. Suzy has been gone on her yearly backpacking trip with her buddies since Friday morning. I have heard from her once when she reached the last town on their way to their base camp area, that was Friday evening. Unfortunately it was a brief call due to the fact that I had two boys vying for my attention when she called. I debated yelling at them to shut up, but I didn't want that to be the last thing she heard me say before heading off into the wilderness.

Grandma Walls stepped up to the plate and took them out somewhere (I should know where they went, but that detail wasn't critical to my well being, so it has slipped quickly from my brain) yesterday for most of the day.

I successfully got both of them to church today, and I am pretty sure they were both mostly clean and wearing decent clothes. I can't say the same for me, but that's just nitpicking. Tomorrow morning I am hoping to hit the matinee of 'Up', and if they are behaving well they can come too. Suzy gets back tomorrow night, and I/we will have survived another year.

The real reason for this blog post, however, is a self-reminder. Daniel lost a tooth this morning. Nope, no funny stories about sneezing or tickling, this one just came out while he was fooling around with it during breakfast. The critical aspect of this is that I have no one to remind me to perform my secret parental duties tonight. I am envisioning myself stumbling upstairs at the ungodly hour of 11 tonight, completely forgetting that I am supposed brave the legos and somehow climb up to the second deck of the boy's bunk bed, find where the tooth has been hidden, and replace it with a nice shiny new penny, all the while avoiding the traps that Sammy has, no doubt, laid for me.

Wish me luck, and please send some good mental reminders to me throughout the night. In fact, I am going to put out the penny right now.

[Just kidding about the penny, I think he gets a nickel, is that right, Suz? A nickel?]

[10:49 PM Update: Abort, abort, abort, someone's awake in there! Get out now! (can you tell I just finally watched the season finale of 24?) Guess I am going to be awake a little longer. Anybody got some coffee?]

[11:49 PM Update: Transfer made. What the heck do I do with this tooth?]

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