We have fought the good fight, and lost. Suzy and I have finally acknowledged that our two little boys are no longer quite so little. As this new day dawned in our lives we are preparing for the familial rite of passage that besets us all, the first CAMPING TRIP! Yes, in a mere eleven days we will pile eight arms and legs and more gear than I can imagine into our not so mini-van and head east to
Agua Caliente County Park. Being two responsible parents (and wanting to avoid all thinking about what kinds of trouble the boys will be getting into) we are planning everything meticulously. One aspect of the planning was the tent decision. Individually Suzy and I have backpacked more than 'car' camped, so trying to decide on a family tent was a bit of a struggle. So, after conversations, deliberations, and altercations we settled on the
Columbia Cougar Flats.
When the fifty plus pound monstrosity arrived via the poor UPS man, our next decision was staring us in the face. Where in the world can we set this thing up to test it? Garage, not tall enough. Family room, too much furniture. Local Park, too wet and muddy. Work it is. Thankfully my work has a great room for this, I was thinking that it would be easy, no problem. I was a bit off in my calculations. There was about a foot gap around each side of spare room after I finished the hour long process of setting this bad boy up. Fifteen by ten feet, two rooms, bay windows, shelving, cup holders and a loft. When standing in it with flat feet I could not reach up and touch the top. Wow. This wasn't how I remembered camping. It theoretically sleeps eight, but I think that with all of our stuff we will still be crowded. Suzy wanted to check it out so I left it up over the weekend and we snuck in with the boys on Saturday. Unfortunately Sammy got lost in one of the rooms, and we haven't found him yet. Hopefully we find him before we leave!
So, if anyone is interested, we will be out in the desert, come and join us. We will have plenty of room for you...