Monday, January 15, 2007

I have a 5 year old!

I still can't believe that Daniel turned 5 today! Five years old seems so old to me... probably because it is. This morning we were looking at pictures from Daniel's first year of life. He was so small and so chubby. These five years have gone by just too fast. Five years! Wow.

Although it doesn't seem possible that five years have passed since Daniel came into this world, Daniel definitely seems five years old. He is such a big boy in so many ways. He can do almost everything or at least thinks he can. He is very excited about going to kindergarten next year and is becoming very independent. My little boy is growing up and I am proud of the person he is becoming. Although there are moments and times that he drives me crazy and I get frustrated with him, he is a very sweet, loving and kind boy at heart. And he still lets me kiss, hug and snuggle with him.
This year we had a Lego/Star Wars theme party. I made little Lego cakes and we had the 'Girls' (our old neighbors and the boy's good friend) over for pizza. Daniel got lots of good presents and had a good time.
So now I have a 5 year old and a 3 year old. Next year I'll have a... I don't want to even think about it. I'll just enjoy this moment. Happy 5th Birthday, my big boy!

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