"I think Sammy needs a bigger bed."
While I disagreed with these sentiments expressed by my lovely wife I have learned in my nine and a half years of marriage to think before responding.
"I don't think that the size of the bed is the problem."
This discussion was taking place yesterday. Last night the issue came to a head when we heard Sammy crying at about 11 o'clock. We assumed at the time that he wasn't feeling well, since Daniel is definitely under the weather. Suzy comforted him, got him asleep again, but before midnight we were awoken again by his crying. Again Suzy comforted him, and my memory is fuzzy, but she might have mentioned the possibility that he fell out of bed. Verification came this morning when he told us that he had fallen out.
"I think Sammy needs a bigger bed."
I had heard this somewhere before. Again a thoughtful pause. I decided to offer up an alternative theory.
"I don't think that the size of the bed is the problem, I think it is all of the stuff in there."
Suzy considered this, and we tabled the discussion for later. As the morning progressed I happened to be in Sammy's room with him, and proceeded to inspect the scene of the crime. I started taking stuff off his bed. First went the items that really have no business being in a bed...
Eight books.
Three swords (his definition).
One laser blaster.
A bag (for presents?).
Two lightsabers.
A block.
My collapsible boy scout camping cup, with assorted mini-cards inside.
Three diapers, thankfully unused.
A toy mirror.
Pillow fluff.
Next I decided to inventory the more traditional bed type items.
Four bippies (his security blankets of choice).
Three pillows (there was a fourth that I had taken out of the bed the previous day).
Fourteen stuffed animals of assorted shapes and sizes.
I feel that my observation about the size of the bed not being a problem is an accurate one. The surprising thing at the end of this exercise was not that he had fallen out of bed last night, but rather I was amazed that he ever fit in there in the first place.
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