I was standing watching my niece Leina. She is a joy to watch, enthralled by the animals, just enjoying the moment. Little did I know that at that very moment she was being stalked. Down she bent to get a closer look at one of God's amazing creatures, when she was grabbed. Grabbed from behind by this, this, ANIMAL. There was a pause from her. Her panic was not instant, but when it started it did not stop. There was no pause in me. I leaped to her defense instantaneously. I knew that seconds counted.
My counter attack was two pronged, first protect Leina at all costs. I grabbed her and was in an immediate battle for possession. I had a hold of her with my arms, and then decided that the best defense was a good offense. Kick? Punch? What would be most damaging to this assailant, this BEAST. I decided that I could pry little innocent Leina from the clutches of this attacker, secure her safety and then deal with the animal once she was safe. I pulled, I strained, I tugged. Finally she was free. Relief, joy, and exhaustion was balanced by Leina's panic, still manifesting itself in blood curdling screams. I knew the screams would pass, because she was safe now.
The attacker, the ANIMAL, what became of him? Well, that goat continued to just sit there in the dust. The keeper came by and said to keep your eye on him, he likes to grab clothes and chew. Lesson learned for little Leina, innocence lost, she will never trust a goat again. And to you vile attacker. I will have my eye on you when we go back to the petting zoo. Never again will I allow you to so wantonly attack the children. I will defend the kids till my last breath.
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