Thursday, October 12, 2006

Big Boy Bed: Part Two

About a month ago we decided to move Sammy into a big boy bed since he was climbing out of his crib. The whole transition went very smoothly and having Sammy out of a crib has not been as terrifying as I thought it would be. But it definitely has been interesting and quite loud.

Sammy is very good about staying in his room during naptime and at night, but the problem is he tends to get in trouble while in his room. He has probably done every possible thing you can do in his room. He jumps around on his bed, chair and any item/toy possible and his room is right above the pot rack in the kitchen so when he jumps around he rattles the pots and pans. He used to like to lie in front of his door and pound the door with his feet, but I quickly put a stop to that. He yells, sings and talks. I often hear him by the door yelling 'Is anyone there?'. He especially likes to sit in his closet doing something I probably do not want to know and slams the closet door repeatedly . He likes to pull the stuffing out of his pillow and put little balls of fuzz in different places. One day I left a foam sword in his room (bad, bad idea) and when I went to wake him bite sized pieces of foam were scattered all over his room and all that was left of his sword was a handle.

The funniest thing that has happened was the time I went in his room and found him asleep under his bed, and the most maddening moment was when I discovered he had ripped a couple of his books. There was even an event that involved a Lego up the nose, but I will leave that up to Dan to write about.

So Sammy's room is slowly becoming quite empty as things are being removed for safety's sake. We now have a rocking horse, two toy storage bins, a trash can and some toys in our hallway. At this rate all Sammy will have left in his room is a mattress by his birthday.

Hopefully Sammy will adjust to his new found freedom and I won't have to wonder what surprise awaits me each time I open Sammy's door. Although this is Sammy we are talking about. Trouble I tell you, just plain trouble.

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