The real fun began when we arrived at my sister's house. Leina was so excited to see Sammy and play with him and boy did they have fun together. Besides a few minor squabbles they were best buddies. Although we were only there for three full days we crammed in a lot of fun, going to the park and playing in the water, Leina's birthday party, OMSI (Oregon museum of Science and Industry), slip-n-slide and dinners outside on the deck. We made so many great memories in such a short amount of time. One of my favorite memories would have to be listening to Leina and Sammy talking to each other at night. They would talk and sing to each other for an hour or an hour and a half before dozing off to sleep. One morning I was listening in on their conversation and it went something like this:
Leina: Sammy, those are my books!
Sammy: (silence, since he is in reaching distance to some books I am assuming he has grabbed some books)
Leina: Those are my books, Sammy!!
Sammy: (still silent and probably trying to ignore her)
Leina: Sammmmmy, those are MYYYYYY BOOKS!!!!
Sammy: (still not a peep)
Leina: Sammy? Can I have a book?
And another night after Chrissie went in to tell them to stop talking and sleep:
Leina: Sammy, no more talking! It's time to sleep!
Sammy: (quiet)
Leina: Sammy? Are you asleep?
We finally decided to sleep them in separate rooms for naps our of fear that they would just talk the entire time.

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