Sunday, July 30, 2006

Saturday Plans

Yesterday I had planned to take the boys up to our swimming pool for the morning so Dan could get some stuff done around the house that has been itching to get done. It has been so hot and the boys love the pool so it seemed like a great plan, until it starting to rain around 8:30 a.m. Well, not really rain, but heavy misting. Enough to dash our plans of swimming the morning away while Dan finished painting the trellis in the back yard, planting two boxes of ginger on our slope and cleaning out the gutter.

Dan decided the clean the gutters anyway and the boys vegged on the sofa while I knitted. Not exactly what I had planned, but is it ever? There's always next weekend. I'll have to start making plans.

Dan cleaning out our neighbor's gutter

Daniel and Sammy watching 'George Shrinks'

Me working on one of my many knitting projects.

The two boxes of ginger that are still sitting in our garage.

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