Sunday, February 19, 2006

The Games People Play

Recently I read a blog over at defective yeti about games that he recommends for playing with your children. I read it mainly while day dreaming about the day that I could play board games with the boys. It is probably one of those unrealistic parental fantasies that we would all sit around happily playing board games and enjoying each others company. Well, be careful what you dream for...
Tonight before we had dinner we four were sitting in the family room fooling around. The Old Maid deck of cards was laying around from a few days previous when we had played it with Maracela, our seven year old neighbor. Suzy or I, I can't remember who, asked if anyone wanted to play it, and Daniel jumped right in. Parental Fantasy engaged! Daniel was on Suzy's side, and Sammy was on my side. Daniel would pick a card from my deck and Sammy from Suzy's. Somehow, we aren't quite sure how, Daniel knew that picking the Old Maid was bad news. Well, you can see where this is going. He picked the Old Maid card and the reaction was instantaneous. Shrieks of anguish, desperate attempts at shoving that card right back at me, to the point that he ended up prone on our floor wailing. Those of you who have observed my parenting skills (or lack thereof) know that I usually take a pretty hard line with this type of behavior, but in this instance all Suzy and I could do was laugh. A lot. Thankfully Daniel didn't notice since you couldn't hear much over his shrieking. After five minutes or so of wailing/writhing on the ground Daniel finally recovered his dignity. Suzy and I had finished the game by this point and were getting ready to play again. Half heartedly we asked if anyone wanted to join us, and Daniel said yes. Can you see where this is going? Yes it wasn't long before he picked it again! With a somewhat quivering lip Daniel calmly placed the Old Maid in my hand (he was on my side for this game) and said, "And I didn't cry this time." Way to go buddy. We are proud of you.

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