Friday, May 29, 2009

One of those days...

Today was one of those days. It started out fine, but by the end of the day both Daniel and Sammy had all privileges revoked and were confined to their room. Not good. Not good at all. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.


Fairfax Walls said...

It must be running in the family. Alex had all of his favorite toys removed from his room while Hannah spent lots of "alone" time in her room.

Fairfax Walls said...

It must be running in the family. Alex had all of his favorite toys removed from his room while Hannah spent lots of "alone" time in her room.

Fairfax Walls said...

It must be running in the family. Alex had all of his favorite toys removed from his room while Hannah spent lots of "alone" time in her room.

Dan said...

Maybe we should have an exchange program, we send ours out there for a month and you send yours out here.