Saturday, March 07, 2009

Parties & Haircuts & Early Mornings

Daniel has been to a handful of birthday parties this year. A jumpy party, ice skating party, party at the New Children's Museum and today he want to a birthday party of a boy in his class. But this party was much different. It was a party like the ones I went to as a kid. With games and pinatas and good old fashioned fun. They kids (or I should say boys, all 8 of them) had a blast. Daniel was quite excited to be the winner of two games, pin the tail on the donkey and tossing coins into a can. They also got to decorate cupcakes and make ice cream sundaes. Now that is what I call a party.

I got my haircut today. It has been a long time since my last haircut so I came home with it much shorter than when I left. Sammy said I didn't look like Mama and that my hair looked like a flower (huh?). And Daniel couldn't quite put it into words, just said I looked weird. Not exactly what I was hoping for.

Early Mornings...
I was woken up this morning at 5:00 AM! Sammy was going to the bathroom and being quite loud about it. Needless to say I was not too happy about it. And I am not looking forward to tomorrow morning as we will now have to get to church an hour early because of the time change. I love having the longer days, but I could do without having to drag myself out of bed an hour earlier. Who came up with this whole time change thing anyway?...

1 comment:

Dan said...

I like the haircut. I said that it looked nice, didn't I?